Why your mission reports matter:

1-Your mission reports chart your growth as a chaplain. It’s entirely possible that you weren’t sure how things worked when you first became a chaplain. By writing up and submitting your monthly mission report, you can keep track of your growth as a chaplain and mission style. Tip: After filing, you’ll receive an automated email with your mission report. Consider keeping all your reports and reviewing them from time to time.

2-Mission reports help us help you. As a USCC chaplain, your mission reports are read carefully and then graded (really) and filed. You might not have realized that we also compile lists of similar mission reports submitted by your fellow chaplains. If we notice group growth in one area or a need for added support in another, we will adjust our programs and offering accordingly.

3-It’s pretty much your only ongoing requirement. Not to sound overly strict about it, but to remain a certified chaplain you must prove that you’re acting as one. Your monthly mission report proves to us and our governing organizations that you are in fact an active chaplain. Skip your monthly mission report, and risk losing your certification.

4-There are potentially extra rewards for filing your mission reports. You may not know this, but every single mission report filed is personally read by Chaplain Mendy Coën, Director-General of the USCC. Chaplain Coën pays attention to what you write, and the care in which your information is shared. And while you’re never judged for your missions, consistency is critical. Chaplains who are vigilant about filing mission reports may suddenly be awarded a credit or cool USCC swag. Worth noting, that in August 2022, 10 chaplains who consistently filed mission reports were invited to a by-invitation-only USCC VIP event.

5-It’s okay to be proud of yourself. One of the best benefits of writing up your monthly mission report is that it allows you to brag about what you’ve been up to.

Most of us are chaplains because we want to help others. We’re not particularly in it for the praise. Working on your monthly mission report allows you to remind yourself that your work not only matters, it’s pretty amazing to give of yourself to others.

You may not brag to your family or on social media, but writing up your report allows you to give yourself a welcome pat on the back every now and again.

If you’re struggling with your mission reports, feel free to respond to this newsletter with your questions, or send an email to info@uschaplaincorps.us.